DÉT LØGN/PACK OF LIES – 5 comedy filmspots
one must hear the truth from children or drunks
People with alcohol problems are doing what they can to deny their alcohol problem; even when it involves lying to their children. All members of these families know all about these “little creative lies”. The tragedy is that the truth just as easily can be false, as false can be true.We turn the heart of the problem op side down, namely the lies by making tragedy to comedy. We use comedy to give an insight into the grotesque life in a home with alcohol abuse.
In this project, we laugh with the fates/destinies arising from alcoholic families, the fates who have lost their childhood – the wounds that follow them throughout their lives – the silence and inaction they meet when it’s going on.
The young people’s lives are plastered with lies, there can be so grotesque that for outsiders they are shockingly funny and ‘far out’, but for the young people involved was and is an anxiety-provoking part of every day life.
With these five small comedy spots we give the viewer a unique insight into how it can be to live together with parents that have alcohol problems.
Lie stories are based on real stories that children of alcoholics once believed.
Watch the filmspots ( in danish language):
Performed by Laura Kvist Poulsen, Rasmus Botoft , Vicki Berlin , Viggo Sommer and Christine Exner.
Idea and directed by Isabelle Reynaud.
Concept: Isabelle Reynaud , Michael Dinesen.
Manuscript: Isabelle Reynaud and Birgitte Klit Kjær
Produced by Staal Film. www.staalfilm.dk (May/June 2012)
Promotion project for TUBA www.tuba.dk
TUBA offers help, counseling and therapy for adolescents between 14 and 35 years old, who grew up in homes with alcohol abuse.